Search Appendices Resolutions

In the database below you can search in the database of document descriptions. It should be noted that the document descriptions are in Modern Dutch spelling and not in Old Dutch: ‘rekest’ and not ‘request’, for instance. The database also includes the ‘resolution date’. This may be a different date then the date of the document itself. The ‘resolution date’ refers to the date of the meeting of the Supreme Government, and the date of the General Resolutions of Batavia Castle. See Resolutions.

You searched for: Ship name is Gelukkig Uur. We found 3 results. hide search form

Archive Reference Document Date Description
file 1199, folio 539-542 May. 20, 1720 Resolution Date: May. 24, 1720
Title: Verklaring over de visitatie en inspectie 't schip Rijssel aan den Gouverneur Generaal Henric Zwaar de Croon
Document type: Verklaring
Ship names: Rijssel
European names: Zwaardecroon, Henric
Place names: Nederlands India; Onrust
Notes: adressed to: Henric Zwaar de Croon, Gouverneur Generaal;
file 1199, folio 927-930 Jun. 21, 1720 Resolution Date: Jun. 21, 1720
Title: Provisie Voor een schip van 145 voeten dat over Ceylon Staat te repatrieren
Document type: Provisie
Ship names: Rijssel
Place names: Ceijlon
file 1199, folio 936-937 Jun. 21, 1720 Resolution Date: Jun. 25, 1720
Title: Lijst met gegevens van verschillende gespecificeerde schepen
Document type: Lijst
Ship names: Herstelde Leeuw; Rijssel; 't Huijs ten Donk; Slot Aldegonde; d'Anna Maria; Cats; 't Hoff niet altijd Somer; Haaxburgh; Limburg; Zanderhoeft; 't Huiijs ter Leede
Place names: Ceijlon; Bengalen; Ziam; Malacca