Search Appendices Resolutions

In the database below you can search in the database of document descriptions. It should be noted that the document descriptions are in Modern Dutch spelling and not in Old Dutch: ‘rekest’ and not ‘request’, for instance. The database also includes the ‘resolution date’. This may be a different date then the date of the document itself. The ‘resolution date’ refers to the date of the meeting of the Supreme Government, and the date of the General Resolutions of Batavia Castle. See Resolutions.

You searched for: European name is Raasveld, Gerrit van. We found 4 results. hide search form

Archive Reference Document Date Description
file 1198, folio 39-44 Nov. 3, 1718 Resolution Date: Nov. 3, 1718
Title: Consumptierekening en korte sterkte van het schip de Kiefhoek van de kamer Rotterdam.
Document type: Consumptierekening
Ship names: Kiefhoek
Place names: Rotterdam
file 1198, folio 861-862, 864 Dec. 22, 1718 Resolution Date: Dec. 23, 1718
file 944, folios 651-661
Title: Verklaring wegens de goede staat van het schip de Kiefhoek op Onrust en de nodige nieuwe grote mast.
Document type: Verklaring
Ship names: Kiefhoek
Place names: Onrust
file 1200, folio 631-634 Aug. 8, 1720 Resolution Date: Aug. 13, 1720
file 948, folios 114-141
Title: Verklaring van inspectie van het schip d'Kiefhoek liggende aan het eiland Onrust
Document type: Verklaring
Ship names: Kiefhoek
Place names: Onrust
Notes: adressed to: Henric Zwaardecroon;
file 1200, folio 751-758 Aug. 15, 1720 Resolution Date: Aug. 23, 1720
file 948, folios 150-161
Title: Rekening Consumtie reeckeningh van 't schip de Kiefhoek van de Camer Rotterdam
Document type: Rekening
Ship names: Kiefhoek
Place names: Rotterdam
Notes: signed by: De Verhoeven;