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In the database below you can search in the database of document descriptions. It should be noted that the document descriptions are in Modern Dutch spelling and not in Old Dutch: ‘rekest’ and not ‘request’, for instance. The database also includes the ‘resolution date’. This may be a different date then the date of the document itself. The ‘resolution date’ refers to the date of the meeting of the Supreme Government, and the date of the General Resolutions of Batavia Castle. See Resolutions.

You searched for: Asian name is Chinees Onglonka. We found 3 results. hide search form

Archive Reference Document Date Description
file 1196, folio 561-570 Jun. 28, 1686 Resolution Date: Jun. 1686
file 900, folios 259-262
Title: Brief van GG Joannes Camphuys aan de Raad van Indië inzake het functioneren van raadsleden en de opiumhandel te Bengalen.
Document type: Brief
European names: Camphuys, Joannes
Place names: Indië; Bengalen
file 1196, folio 579-582 Jul. 2, 1686 Resolution Date: Jul. 9, 1686
file 900, folios 316-321
Title: Brief van Anthonie Hurdt aan de Raad van Indië.
Document type: Brief
European names: Hurdt, Anthonie
Place names: Indië
file 1197, folio 451-454 Jan. 15, 1718 Resolution Date: Oct. 14, 1718
file 944, folios 532-540
Title: Extract uit de beantwoordde eis van retouren uit Indië inzake het sturen van 7 kisten met schelpen, kinkhorens en andere zeegewassen voor de vorst van Moskovië.
Document type: Extract
Asian names: Vorst van Moskovië
Place names: Indië; Moskovië