Search Appendices Resolutions

In the database below you can search in the database of document descriptions. It should be noted that the document descriptions are in Modern Dutch spelling and not in Old Dutch: ‘rekest’ and not ‘request’, for instance. The database also includes the ‘resolution date’. This may be a different date then the date of the document itself. The ‘resolution date’ refers to the date of the meeting of the Supreme Government, and the date of the General Resolutions of Batavia Castle. See Resolutions.

You searched for: European name is Root, Claas. We found 22 results. hide search form

Archive Reference Document Date Description
file 1201, folio 285-288 Sep. 27, 1720 Resolution Date: Sep. 27, 1720
file 948, folios 290-301
Title: Verklaring van de fluyten Roosenburg en Breedenhoff, na visitatie seer swack bevonden en niet meer in staat van 't konnen verdraagen eenig last
Document type: Verklaring
Ship names: Roosenburg; Breedenhoff
European names: Zwaardecroon, Henric; Brouwer; Santen; Smitt; Root, Claas; Beene, Hendrik; Delittel; Backer; Beek, Jan van
file 1201, folio 771-774 Oct. 29, 1720 Resolution Date: Oct. 29, 1720
file 948, folios 360-363
Title: Request van Claas Root, baas der timmerlieden, om benevens sijn wettige dogter, patria te mogen vertrecken
Document type: Rekest
European names: Mansdale; Zwaardecroon, Henric; Root, Claas; Lemmens, Dirk